
Things you Should Know About Driving While Impaired


Driving under influence or driving when impaired is by far the primary cause of road accidents, including roadside deaths in most western countries. Canada isn’t an exception to this. Thousands of incidents happen simply because people demonstrate irresponsibility towards Canada’s DUI laws.

Keeping the severity of the DUI charge in view, the government generally sends public safety messages to the people. Government officials also attempt to advocate that individuals shouldn’t ever drive when they are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. There are several drugs prescribed by physicians to alleviate stress and related symptoms.

Even in the case of these prescription drugs, people in Canada must comply with the DUI regulations. However, in some instances, it can seem like a daunting thing to do. Any expert criminal defense lawyer will tell you that there are certain essential things to know in this respect. Here are  some things you should know about Canada’s DUI laws: 

Understanding what a DUI Is 

Driving under the influence may be of several different types. Alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and other synthetic substances such as methamphetamine are the main contributors to DUI products.  We may assume that these medications are the key contributors to DUI cases as they are used for leisure purposes.

Positive DUI- Degree of Intoxication 

Degree of impairment for positive DUI A positive Drunk driving test means that the vehicle driver has more than the permitted amount of drugs in his body. In Quebec and other parts of Canada, the maximum permissible concentration of legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for all licensed drivers is less than 80 mg of alcohol in a specimen of 100 ml of blood or 0.08. Motorists that have a higher degree of alcohol in their body are committing a crime that has very significant implications in the Canadian legal system.

The Consequences of DUIs

In the case of current or synthetic drugs, many other tests can accurately evaluate whether or not an individual has them in their body. The more dangerous the drug, the more likely it is to attract a severe sentence. In these cases, the defendant must employ a DUI lawyer who is aware of the existing Canadian DUI laws to ensure that they have a chance to fight.

Consequences of DUI When an individual is knowingly under the influence of alcohol or drugs and yet tries to drive, he or she will face serious consequences. The implications include placing their own lives at risk as well as others. A person who commits a crime may also harm his properties and others. If and when the person under DUI is caught, they will be punished and face severe punishments. When an individual is tried and convicted of DUI, there will be significant issues for their future.

A Severe Offence 

Due to the severity of the offense, one should never drive while using any substance. It’s strongly recommended by authorities that stop driving at all costs if you are intoxicated. Also, taxi services are now available that can bring you home under these conditions. The duty of not driving while being intoxicated is not limited to a person. The police are asking people to notify them if they see someone else who may be intoxicated is at the wheel.

If you are caught driving under a DUI, and you happen to damage property, the repercussions can be very severe. In such a situation, you would need to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to handle your case. That will significantly improve your chances of winning the case and being free.

Eric Lilly
the authorEric Lilly