Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lawyers, How To Attract New Clients?


If it was enough to ask your plate to be able to have customers before, today, the reality of the market is different. But what can you do to attract new customers? Learn more from Grow Law Firm.

Lawyers, How To Attract New Clients?

If your activity of representing parties before the courts still has a bright future ahead of it, your consulting activity is currently experiencing strong competition in the industry. And we are not unaware that this activity accounts for approximately 70% of a lawyer’s turnover. Do you have the impression that customers no longer come to you so easily? How to solve the problem and get customers?

Different Obstacles To Overcome

Lawyers have to deal with the presence of technology and learn How to Get Clients as a Lawyer, which is such that users generally first seek information on the Internet to be able to answer their questions. They will no longer necessarily follow the pattern of calling on a lawyer to solve a legal problem; they will first look on the Internet to find out how the problem can be solved, then have recourse to a lawyer if necessary.

The increasingly important presence of law or legal start-ups adds competition to the sector. Finally, the price remains an obstacle when it comes to consulting a lawyer to solve a problem, not to mention the complexity of the language used and the lack of pedagogy on the latter’s part.

What Techniques To Put In Place To Attract Customers?

Work on the offer proposed to clients: Today’s lawyer must adapt and propose an offer in response to market demand. You will only find customers if you analyze market demand and offer to meet this demand. Taking into account the expectations and needs of customers is essential. If this is the case, the meeting between clients and lawyers will occur. Word of mouth is no longer enough; you must conquer the Internet.

Create your digital identity: On the Internet, you will find future customers and more than you can imagine. Your customers are not decreasing yearly; they are elsewhere, particularly on the Internet; you must find them or be found. Being present on the Internet is essential; you have to exist through your name on Google and be able to find yourself easily via the networks. If you don’t have time to interact on the networks, being there is already a first step. As you go along, you will learn how to use the networks in your favor and know which ones are the most useful.

Develop its economic model and client relationship: The economic model must no longer turn to the file but to the client. We reflect on the client, his journey, and how we welcome him and deal with his file with him. Its customer experience is very important, and this also goes through loyalty. How to make a customer come back? Create a link and stay in touch with him so that he thinks of us in due time.

Working on your language: Adapting your language to your target will allow you to create a relationship with the customer. Are you talking in your lawyer jargon? Forget, and translate legal vocabulary to get closer to your client and make him feel more at ease with this world. Your message must be understandable to the client you are dealing with. It is the same for future customers that you want to capture, do not use jargon on the Internet, or at least explain what your specialty means, explaining in simple words what customer needs you can meet.

Have a web marketing strategy: Internet and social networks are an added value for you. First, the Internet allows you to multiply your contacts by sharing your work, such as conferences, articles, and advice on legal subjects. You will thus develop your potential target customers. In today’s world, a firm cannot grow without the strength and influence of the Internet. If you still find it difficult to extend your knowledge or to give online advice to users, you have to do violence to yourself, the opening of knowledge is indeed a reality, and you are no longer the only one to hold the information that users want. On the contrary, why not see knowledge sharing as an added value? You will gain visibility and notoriety on the Internet.

Eric Lilly
the authorEric Lilly