
An Attorney can get Victims the Right Compensation for Dog bites


Thousands of people in America seek medical care for dog bites every year. The statistics are rising due to the increase in people keeping animals and pets. Such practice may put another person at risk, especially when there is negligence on the owner’s part. A victim needs to get fair compensation for dog bite injuries. The expenses of undergoing treatments for dog bites can be challenging for families, but a dog bite lawyer at Shrum law office has the experience of handling such cases. Here are some of the damages that the attorneys can pursue on your behalf;

  • Loss of income; victims will miss work to access treatment and seek full recovery at home. It means loss of income for people who cannot report at work. Therefore, they need to get compensation for the hours out of work. If the damage is permanent, a dog bite lawyer can seek damages for the victim’s injuries’ long-term effect.
  • Suffering from pain, a dog bite victim undergoes emotional and physical turmoil. The treatment process and pain from injuries can lead to stress for those suffering. It may also be as a result of the victim undergoing a traumatic ordeal. Most of the time, it may cause the victim to fear dogs for the long-term. A dog bite lawyer has the experience of such cases and will build a chance that gets a victim the right compensation. They use the cost of treatment to determine the appropriate amount that their clients can receive. It will include the extent of damage caused as dog bites might lead to lifetime effects like loss of eyesight or amputation due to injury infection. However, a qualified attorney will help identify the grounds to build a case.
  • Medicals bills; costs to accessing treatment for injuries are the immediate thing that a victim faces. It includes the whole treatment process, including any there existing conditions that may arise from the injuries. A dog owner will be liable for any expenses for medical treatments, including therapy, until full recovery.
  • Property damage; a lawsuit for compensation includes payments on damage to the victim’s property. It consists of the clothes they were wearing or if there was damage to the victim’s bicycle. Whenever the attack happens to you and your dog, you can seek compensation for both.

Dealing with an Insurance Company

Dog owners are taking insurance plans to cover them when their pets cause damage to people or property. However, since the premiums are high, individuals may opt against taking an insurance cover, especially if they consider the breed a dangerous one. The owners are liable personally if their dog bites innocent people. It is the reason that victims need to hire a dog bite lawyer to develop the claims for damages and file a lawsuit with the local courts. An attorney will represent the interest of victims as they take the time to recover.


The legislation gives rights to victims of dog bites to get fair compensation. Ensure to use an experienced lawyer in the field.

Eric Lilly
the authorEric Lilly